A Home for Believers in the Margins…

Most people believe in God, most people know something exists outside themselves. There’s too much out there screaming this truth. The rocks, trees, mountains, sunsets, and the beautiful souls of people, all attest to something bigger. Those of us who have come to know God through the Bible and the life of Jesus enjoy this truth,  but many people are pushed away and marginalized from Christianity, Jesus, and the person of God because of the people who claim to represent Him. How many people have walked away from God because of His kids? There’s too many brats in the family, and some of the louder ones are the biggest bullies. Lifeboat Theory was created to give hope to those who are losing faith in Christianity’s ability to save the world. It is meant as a haven to the seeking, and a pillar of transparency and honesty for those who remain believers, but are growing ragged from the journey. To the best of our ability, let’s talk God without opinions. Let’s share Jesus without an agenda. Let’s work to be a united family again–what Jesus called the Church.

Please feel free to comment and discuss articles. I encourage it! Through dialogue we reach consensus and unity, but it’s a messy process.